Working with children can be a magical process, though it does require a specific temperament. Pediatric physicians, in particular, are faced with the unique challenge of caring for the youngest in the population in both sickness and health. Below we will discuss some of the unique skills that those entering the field of pediatrics will need to be successful.

What Does a Pediatrician Do?

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Considering the handsome pediatrician salary that these physicians earn, you may wonder what they actually do. A pediatric physician is specially trained in the care of children and teenagers. They track growth, child health, and emotional well-being, and care for children when they become ill. The care a child needs is much different than that of an adult due to the constant state of flux a child’s body experiences.

Problem-Solving Skills

Physicians by their nature and their profession are problem solvers. Pediatricians will need to have the skills to go above and beyond to create customized solutions for a population that may not be able to fully express their needs. Children and teens often have different reactions to illnesses than adults. Pediatricians will need to create an accurate diagnosis and solution that meets their health needs.

Diverse Knowledge Range

Becoming a physician isn’t easy, in fact; it takes years of dedicated study. Pediatricians will need to have a diverse range of healthcare knowledge as well as knowledge of emerging diseases. Children are often the first in a population to be exposed to new illnesses which makes having a solid knowledge base critical. Staying up to date on the latest advancements in their field will also help hone this skill.

Excellent Communication Skills

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk:

Communicating with an adult is considerably different than communicating with a child. Pediatric physicians should have the ability to explain their actions and treatments in a way that a younger individual can understand. Also, they will need to be able to listen and comprehend what their young patients have to say in terms of their healthcare needs, concerns, and symptoms. The pediatric physicians will also need to be able to communicate with the parents and guardians in a concise manner.

Detail Oriented

Many younger patients will have trouble clarifying their symptoms and concerns. As a pediatrician, it is critical to possess a keen eye for unspoken details. There is more to treating a young patient than viewing surface symptoms and making a quick diagnosis. Children are naturally limited in their vocabulary and experience with illness. Distress can also make it hard to explain what they may be experiencing during a doctor’s visit. There are often unspoken details that are evident that can lead to a more accurate diagnosis.

Our Final Thoughts

There are a lot of skills that are important to cultivate in order to become a successful pediatrician. Some skills may come more naturally than others, but there is always room for growth. Working on both hard and soft skills can improve pediatric patient care and help nurture a thriving career in the medical field.