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An ageing population, the rising burden of chronic disease, and growing multi-morbidity are all placing pressure on health systems across Europe. The National University Health System is one of three public healthcare clusters in Singapore, and an integrated Academic Health System and Regional Health System that delivers value-driven, innovative and sustainable healthcare in Singapore. Research Grants Search for various available grants to drive the translation of basic research to advance human healthcare, and to increase the translational and clinical research capabilities of public hospitals, research institutions and medical researchers. Global health crisis unlike any other — COVID-19 is spreading human suffering, destabilizing the global economy and upending the lives of billions of people around the globe.

For example, birds often die of West Nile virus before people in the same area get sick with West Nile virus infection. One Health is an approach that recognizes that the health of people is closely connected to the health of animals and our shared environment. One Health is not new, but it has become more important in recent years.

  • Provision of medical care is classified into primary, secondary, and tertiary care categories.
  • In low-income countries, modern healthcare is often too expensive for the average person.
  • Being Prepared for a Pandemic Learn more about how Singapore is prepared to prevent & respond to disease outbreaks.
  • This can encompass both the predisposition to certain diseases and health conditions, as well as the habits and behaviors individuals develop through the lifestyle of their families.
  • Our EIT Health Think Tank engages healthcare thought-leaders across regions and disciplines in the latest debates and decisions to help clear the pathway to innovation and facilitate a more sustainable healthcare future.

Other occupational diseases of concern include carpal tunnel syndrome and lead poisoning. Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as “a resource for living”.

I love being able to track food, water, fitness, stress, etc. all from one app. Heck, add some kinda AI that can convert a pic of food into calories? Work hard and always maintain your best condition with Samsung Health. Set goals that work for your own level, and keep track of your daily condition including your activity amount, workout intensity, state of sleep, heart rate, stress, oxygen level in the blood, etc. Over 6.2 million malaria deaths have been averted between 2000 and 2015, primarily of children under five years of age in sub-Saharan Africa. The global malaria incidence rate has fallen by an estimated 37 per cent and the mortality rates by 58 per cent.

Safe Management Measures View the full list of community measures, effective 10 October 2022. Being Prepared for a Pandemic Learn more about how Singapore is prepared to prevent & respond to disease outbreaks. Health Literacy Explore health literacy and communication tools, research, initiatives, and other professional resources. HHS is seeking written comments on a proposed new objective for Healthy People 2030.

Spotlight: Title: Healthy People 2030 Seeks Public Input on Proposed New Objective

In addition to safety risks, many jobs also present risks of disease, illness and other long-term health problems. Among the most common occupational diseases are various forms of pneumoconiosis, including silicosis and coal worker’s pneumoconiosis . Asthma is another respiratory illness that many workers are vulnerable to. Workers may also be vulnerable to skin diseases, including eczema, dermatitis, urticaria, sunburn, and skin cancer.


Its vision is to be the leading innovative authority protecting and advancing national health and safety. The Expert Committee on COVID-19 Vaccination recommends the Moderna/Spikevax vaccine for the primary vaccination of children aged 6 months to 4 years. Resources & Statistics Search for publications, education brochures, statistics on admission rates, waiting times, bed occupancy rates, diseases and more. Healthcare Schemes & Subsidies Healthcare Schemes & Subsidies View all healthcare financing schemes & subsidies available in Singapore such as MediShield Life, CareShield Life, MediSave, CHAS and ElderShield.