Home of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

These include treatment of acute and chronic illnesses, preventive care and health education for all ages and both sexes. An important way to maintain one’s personal health is to have a healthy diet. A healthy diet includes a variety of plant-based and animal-based foods that provide nutrients to the body. Nutrients help build and strengthen bones, muscles, and tendons and also regulate body processes (i.e., blood pressure). Macronutrients are consumed in relatively large quantities and include proteins, carbohydrates, and fats and fatty acids. Micronutrients – vitamins and minerals – are consumed in relatively smaller quantities, but are essential to body processes.

  • Physical Activity Check out the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans for recommendations to improve health by getting the nation moving.
  • Heck, add some kinda AI that can convert a pic of food into calories?
  • AIDS is now the leading cause of death among adolescents (aged 10–19) in Africa and the second most common cause of death among adolescents globally.
  • The Health Sciences Authority was formed on 1 April 2001 as a statutory board of the Singapore Ministry of Health with the integration of five specialised agencies.
  • Mental, intellectual, emotional and social health referred to a person’s ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living.

A public-private partnership to develop a coordinated research strategy to speed the most promising COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. Lawrence A. Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D. is performing the duties of the NIH Director and provides leadership for the 27 institutes and centers that make up the NIH. NIH is the nation’s medical research agency, supporting scientific studies that turn discovery into health. Health’s content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin explained that it had become a disease with the highest health expenses in Indonesia.

For example, it is estimated that life expectancy has increased for Americans by thirty years since 1900, and worldwide by six years since 1990. In low-income countries, modern healthcare is often too expensive for the average person. International healthcare policy researchers have advocated that “user fees” be removed in these areas to ensure access, although even after removal, significant costs and barriers remain. Transparency of information is another factor defining a delivery system.

An estimated 6.2 million children and adolescents under the age of 15 years died, mostly from preventable causes. Of these deaths, 5.3 million occurred in the first 5 years, with almost half of these in the first month of life. Approximately twenty percent of all adults in the US are considered diagnosable with a mental illness. Mental illnesses are the leading cause of disability in the US and Canada. Examples of these illnesses include schizophrenia, ADHD, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and autism. Another health issue that causes death or contributes to other health problems is malnutrition, especially among children.


Countries’ abilities to cope with and recover from the COVID-19 crisis. The pandemic provides a watershed moment for health emergency preparedness and for investment in critical 21st century public services. Log in to your NHS account to book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and access a range of other healthcare services. Lifestyle choices are contributing factors to poor health in many cases.

Legislation Acts regulating drugs, healthcare professionals, medical practices, research and more. Resources & Statistics E-Consultation Through E-Consultation, MOH aims to gather feedback and suggestion from members of the public to further improve policies, programmes and services. Healthy Aging Read about our focus on supporting efforts to help people stay healthy and independent as they age.