How to write an introduction to a term paper?

Introduction to the term paper is a brief description of the content of the work with the definition of the main points of its results. Competently written introduction to the term paper guarantees the performance of all work “excellently”. Upon admission, it is easy to navigate, without straying from the right path in the course of work on the course. That is why every student should know how to write a course entry or dissertation.

How to start writing a course?

A well-written introduction can further relieve many questions from the supervisor and members of the commission in the defense of the term paper. If in this section it is correct to define the area within which the research will be conducted, to choose the necessary tasks and to define the purposes, to mark urgency.

The introduction often begins with the development of the concept of the term paper at the stage of elaboration of ideas, and then it is changed and supplemented in the process of performing the whole work. Final edits and corrections to the introduction are made after the work and writing a conclusion on the course, so some authors before writing the work make sketches on the introduction in the form of short abstracts, and the final version of this section is written after the work is ready. Pay attention to the correctness of the wording, carefully compare the content and results of the study.

The introduction of the term paper does not use citations, and this part of the work provides 100{bffb656ef3dff41dae76e1c2a55dd94ea20b5465f8e1341d39bc9675a27dd8ec} authorship and uniqueness, even if your work is 90{bffb656ef3dff41dae76e1c2a55dd94ea20b5465f8e1341d39bc9675a27dd8ec} based on the use of quotations from other sources and is written for the first year.

The structure of the term paper may differ depending on the specialization of the work.

The requirement for the introductory part for a particular educational institution is usually described in the guidelines, so before and after the work you need to carefully read them and design everything in accordance with the specified standards.

Most often, the introductory part contains the relevance, the degree of study of the topic (who studied this issue), a description of the bibliography and work of which authors were used and taken as a basis on which concept or paradigm performed work, issues, purpose, tasks, description of object and subject research, and also, for some disciplines formulation of a hypothesis is necessary.

Life hack for a student: the introduction will also need to be addressed at the end of the term paper, starting to write a conclusion. Therefore, it is desirable to immediately consider how the introduction will be reflected in the conclusion.

Tips for writing an introduction – step by step instructions

In order not to miss anything important when writing an introduction to the term paper, we advise you to follow the instructions and follow all the necessary tips, which are set out in the article. Therefore, for quality writing of the introduction to the term paper you need:

Make the relevance of the work. Relevance is the significance of your topic in the modern world, ie what role your research plays in the development of your topic, whether your topic is needed in real life. Any hypotheses must be supported by evidence. If the reader, having studied the relevance of the topic written by you, was able to answer his question “Why do I need to study this problem?”, Then you have coped with the presentation of relevance. You can start the description of relevance with the following phrases:

  • The relevance of the topic is;
  • The research topic is relevant because;
  • The urgency of the work is.

Describe the problems of your research in detail and competently. That is, ask a question relevant to your topic, which you will have to answer during the study and research of the topic. For example: your topic “Types of economic systems”, the problem may be the question “What are the advantages of different types of economic systems?”

Clearly formulate and set yourself the objectives before you order term papers online. Usually the student is faced with only four tasks, half of which relate to the theoretical part, and half – the practical. Tasks should be set in accordance with the purpose of the work and help to achieve it.

Introduction to term paper. Example

In addition to the recommendations set out above, to write an introduction to scientific work, you can use the example of a general introduction to the term paper on pedagogy “Development of creative abilities of school students in technology lessons”:


This work is devoted to research in the field of pedagogy, and concerns the study of the development of creative abilities of students of secondary schools in technology lessons. The relevance of the topic is that modern society is impossible to imagine without creatively gifted individuals who are able to apply their knowledge in practice to improve old and design new objects of human activity. The main task of the education system is to create a favorable environment for children’s creative development, including technology lessons.

The purpose of the term paper

The purpose of the term paper is an in-depth study of pedagogical tools that promote the development of creative abilities of students, methods and forms of their application in practical classes on technology.

To achieve this goal are the following tasks:

  • study of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic;
  • formulation of basic concepts related to the research topic;
  • attendance and analysis of technology lessons conducted by girls of secondary schools of 1-3 grades;
  • development of activities aimed at developing students’ creative abilities in technology lessons.
  • The object of research is the method of teaching technology
  • The subject of the research is pedagogical tools used by teachers in technology lessons for the development of creative abilities in girls.

The methodological basis for the study were the scientific works of well-known domestic and foreign teachers and psychologists. Publications on children’s creative development were used as a theoretical basis for the study. The practical basis of the study was one of the classes of secondary schools of 1-3 grades.