Fortunately, humanity has an invaluable gift – surrogacy. Scientific progress and the unbridled desire of thousands upon thousands of people to experience the joy of parenthood have made this possible. Every year, more and more media-recognizable stars say their children were born through surrogacy. And all this public attention makes the surrogacy process look expensive and untrustworthy. Although it is thanks to public awareness that surrogacy is being talked about, sometimes it prevents us from calming down and focusing on our own needs and capabilities. Listen to yourself and remind yourself why you embark on this surrogacy journey. For the sake of newborn life.

So, having chosen to pay attention to surrogacy as a help in times of infertility, loneliness, illness, and even your desire not to have children… Having done so, it is worth learning the basic concepts of surrogacy to make it easier to navigate the topic. And also, contact a professional surrogacy agency. They will explain everything to you, including the surrogacy pregnancy cost.

What does the price consist of? 

Usually, the price is formed by a variety of factors. There is both supply and demand. But now we will look at the services that are among the most expensive. 

  • Compensation for a surrogate mother – 35 %
  • Legal advice – 20 % 
  • Medical expenses – 40 %
  • Other costs – 5 %

It should be remembered that each story is unique and has no analogs. And every detail can change the final amount. In addition, a high price does not always equal a high-quality standard. And vice versa, some countries offering cheaper services offer no less professional services.

Special offers

Any special offer provided by the surrogacy center may increase the total cost the intended parents will need to pay—for example, complete surrogacy solutions for LGBT couples. It is to understand the exact final cost you need to consult with an experienced lawyer and representatives of a professional surrogacy agency, who will offer you various options and possibilities according to your needs and capabilities.

How to make the final decision?

After reviewing all the offers and options that are suitable for you personally, you may have doubts. This may be due to the amount of money that may unpleasantly surprise you or the complex process you must go through. Or an overwhelming number of scenarios that can be frightening. During these doubts, try to relax, no matter how strange it may sound. And above all, remember what it’s all about. For the sake of the longed-for new life. For the feeling of parenthood. And then feel that you will have professionals with extensive experience in medical and emotional care by your side. Who will take over the main complex of the surrogacy process? And leave you time and energy for a pleasant anticipation of birth. And to accumulate all the strength for the incredible period that awaits you – parenthood.