The first days after face plasty patients most often experience weakness, expressed pains are extremely rare. From 1 to 3 days the patient is in the clinic, under the supervision of a doctor. During the first days after surgery, the patient may have a fever, these days swelling and possible discomfort, most often in the area of ​​postoperative sutures. Also, a temporary decrease in the sensitivity of the skin of the face and neck is considered normal after facelift. This sensation may persist for several weeks after surgery.

  • The patient is recommended to stay in bed for the first 1-2 days, and in the following days to adhere to minimal physical activity.
  • In the event of severe pain, the patient urgently needs to contact his plastic surgeon. It is strictly forbidden to take any measures yourself.
  • Upon discharge from the clinic, the patient receives all the necessary information about further visits to his doctor. As a rule, the first dressing is performed a day after the intervention. After 1-2 days, the seams in the fold in front of the ear are removed, all other sutures are removed 10–14 days after the facelift.
  • The pressure bandage must be worn a week after face plastics, it can cause discomfort, but you need to put up with it.

After removing the dressing you need to be prepared for the fact that the face will be swollen and bruises will be visible. In different patients, the severity of edema and bruises is also different, because of the individual characteristics of the reaction of the skin and soft tissues of the face is different. Neither edema nor bruising affect the result of a face lift, these are only temporary postoperative events. After 2-3 weeks, the appearance of the face improves significantly, most often after 3 weeks, patients are already entering people. You should go for the Miami facelift process in that case.

The Care

It should be very careful to care for the face and hair, because your skin after a facelift will be on the one hand susceptible to various injuries, on the other hand – less sensitive.

Your plastic surgeon will give you recommendations that should be followed in the postoperative period. After face plastics, serious physical exertion (including sex) should be avoided for the first 2 weeks. Under the prohibition of alcohol in high doses, and also it is desirable to minimize the number of cigarettes if you smoke. It is forbidden to visit the baths and saunas for several months after the operation.

Non-surgical facelift – it sounds tempting, but alas, often, this is nothing more than a marketing ploy. High expectations from all sorts of newfangled procedures leave women unhappy with the end result.

Few procedures can return us to the youthful oval of the face and smooth, elastic skin. Lifting massages and facial gymnastics can postpone the day and hour of more radical procedures. Proper care and suitable cream will give a well-groomed look. But at a certain age, all this does not work anymore. And to risk and set experiments on ourselves – in our progressive time – oh, how ridiculous.