Having children is a blessing that every woman wishes to enjoy. Couples will plan on the right time they want to have children to avoid rushing and later experiencing problems. However, there are instances when one may mistakenly get pregnant through rape. Sometimes a minor or a sick person may become pregnant, which poses a danger to their lives, and the only way to save their lives is through abortion. Specialists like Dr. Deshawn Taylor can help you make better choices when such a case arises. Although abortion may not be the last option, an experienced gynecologist can evaluate your situation and help address the issue in a safe environment. Here are some possible risks of unsafe abortion.


Getting an abortion is a serious procedure that should involve a specialist. Patients may suffer from bacterial infection during the procedure hence affecting the uterus. Vaginal bacteria may pass through the cervix and setter on the uterus and the fallopian tube during the procedure. A specialist understands all these complications and may begin by treating available infections to eliminate bacteria that may affect you after the procedure. A patient will also take antibiotics after the procedure to treat any infection. An abortion patient should report any signs of infection after the procedure to receive prompt treatment and eliminate the further spread.

Cervical Injuries

Accidents may occur during an abortion, especially when performed by an inexperienced person or if the patient decides to perform it alone. The cervix can tear on the surface or inside, damaging the tissues. A specialist, however, can take all precautions that may help minimize cervical injury risks. These injuries may cause complications during future pregnancy due to a weak cervix. A weak cervix leads to preterm births, where babies are born prematurely.

Heavy Bleeding

An abortion patient will experience bleeding after the procedure for several days then it is over. However, there are times when the bleeding fails to stop, especially if the procedure is incomplete. An experienced doctor will examine the procedure carefully to ascertain that the whole process is complete and nothing has been left inside the womb. Patients will then be advised to monitor their bleeding and seek medical care once they note some abnormalities or if the bleeding fails to stop within the recommended days. A heavy bleeding case may be fatal as one may require a repeat procedure and even a blood transfusion.

Blood Clot in The Uterus

After the abortion procedure, bleeding occurs for a few days until the wound is dry. However, a patient may develop a blood clot within the uterus before the bleeding is complete. That may lead to cramping as the uterus squeezes the remaining blood out. A patient is advised to report cramping symptoms after the bleeding stops, as they may be signs of a clot. The doctor will be forced to repeat the vacuum procedure to remove the clot and remaining blood.

Most people fear abortion, as most laws do not allow it. Before the procedure, you must report to the authority and gain approval for special cases. Once you are allowed, it is important to go to a facility with experienced doctors who guarantee your safety. When you have to fall into the wrong hands, you will not run away from complications and risks that follow after an abortion. Get a good doctor who will examine your condition before they can proceed with the procedure and follow up through the healing process.