Medical dermatology addresses skin issues that can cause infections and affect your overall health. Whether you have a bacterial or viral infection, medical dermatology Washington can provide treatment options to facilitate relief and improve your health. Common conditions that medical dermatology can address include warts, acne, eczema, and rosacea.  

Medical dermatology versus cosmetic dermatology

While medical dermatology operates to restore health and function, cosmetic dermatology seeks to improve appearance per the patient’s desires. Medical dermatology aims to improve your skin’s health while cosmetic dermatology seeks to give you better-looking skin and improve your appearance.

Types of medical dermatology treatments

The following are five types of medical dermatology.

Acne treatments

Acne occurs when your pores are clogged with dirt, excess oil, and dead skin. The pore can swell and become painful. Medical dermatology can recommend acne extraction and a treatment plan to address any underlying condition that might cause acne breakouts, like hormonal imbalance.

Your treatment options include antibiotics and topical creams. Your specialist might suggest keeping your skin clean and avoiding touching the affected areas like your face. You can try and prevent acne breakouts by eliminating stressful issues and eating a balanced diet.

Melasma treatments

You might suffer from melasma if you have brown or gray patches on your skin. Your specialist might offer treatment to prevent the skin disorder from becoming cancerous. Melasma can result from sun exposure, hormonal problems, and hereditary factors. 

Treatment options include laser therapy and doctor-recommended skin care products. Your specialist can recommend specific products to use, including sunscreen.

Warts treatments

Warts can occur due to an infection caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a sexually transmitted disease that causes the formation of warts on your skin and genitalia. However, the condition has many strains that can affect adults and children. Children can get certain types of HPV infections through touch or skin-to-skin contact. There is a vaccine available to help deal with HPV infections.

Eczema treatments

Eczema is a chronic skin condition that causes dry and itchy skin rashes. The intense itching can make you restless and affect the quality of your life. Your specialist will offer treatment after reviewing your medical history and the severity of your outbreaks.

Common treatment methods include skin creams, antibiotics to prevent infections, and light therapy.

Skin cancer screening

Early skin cancer screening is key to providing successful treatment. Your specialist might recommend skin cancer screening if you have a family history of skin cancer, your skin is susceptible to sunburns, and you experience regular sun exposure.

During the screening, your doctor will examine you from head to toe, and if they find any abnormalities, they’ll remove them or get a sample to determine whether it’s cancerous. Your specialist might encourage you to check your skin regularly to spot any differences should they occur.

If you have skin issues affecting your health and appearance, visit Integrated Dermatology of 19th Street for treatment. Get experienced and qualified dermatologists to offer personalized treatment after careful evaluation. Call or schedule your appointment online to improve your appearance and overall health.