According to medical statistics, around 80% of women will develop uterine fibroids at one point in their life. Fortunately, myomectomy and hysterectomy are not the only options for treating fibroids. Women with fibroids that want to avoid surgery and keep their uterus should consider uterine fibroid embolization (UFE). Uterine fibroid embolization services at Houston interventional radiology clinic provide an effective and innovative treatment option for fibroids. Around ninety percent of patients that undertake uterine fibroid embolization will experience a substantial improvement or will have complete symptom relief with minimal recovery time. Read on for more information about UFE and whether it is the right treatment for you.

What Are Uterine Fibroids?

Uterine fibroids refer to benign noncancerous tumors. They are a group of cells that form a ball of muscle in the uterine walls. Uterine fibroids behave differently in different people. They might grow quickly or slowly or can remain the same size throughout the woman’s life. Some women will develop more severe fibroids, while others won’t. Most women don’t know they have fibroids, while others experience excruciating symptoms. Pelvic pain, heavy menstrual periods, constipation, frequent urination, back pain, and painful intercourse are common complaints.

Are You the Right Candidate For UFE?

You are the right candidate for uterine fibroid embolization if you are a woman over 35 years old, have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, and are not currently pregnant. UFE is also a good option if you are experiencing symptoms such as cramping, excessively heavy bleeding, frequent urination, bloating, or pelvic pain and you prefer a non-surgical treatment option that preserves your uterus. Keep in mind that not all gynecologists know UFE as an option for uterine fibroids treatment. Therefore, talk to your doctor if they don’t mention it.

How Is A UFE Done?

Uterine fibroid embolization is conducted by an interventional radiologist and approved by the FDA. The procedure involves inserting a thin catheter into the artery at the wrist or groin. Your radiologist carefully guides the catheter to the blood supply of the fibroid. Once in position, minor elements are deposited to block the blood vessels and deny the fibroid cells nutrients. This causes your fibroid to soften, bleed less and shrink. 

What Should You Expect After Your UFE Procedure?

After the procedure, most patients will go home the same day or the next day with pain and cramping. If you experience a fever, you can easily relieve it with acetaminophen. Most women will return to normal activity within a few days to a week. EFE is effective for treating multiple fibroids, and the reoccurrence of the fibroids after treatment is rare.

Ultimately, uterine fibroid embolization is an effective treatment for destroying or reducing the size of your uterine fibroids. It is a perfect treatment if you are not willing to undertake a hysterectomy, you still wish to become pregnant, and you are yet to hit menopause. the advantage of UFE is that you will avoid surgery and get to keep your uterus. Ensure to discuss all options with your doctor before making the best decision.